Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting your privacy whether you are browsing for information or conducting business with our company electronically or in person. Precept Canada and its dedicated employees respect the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA) and carefully govern all policies pertaining to the collection, usage, disclosure and storage of all personal information.
When you visit our web site, we will not collect your personal information unless you choose to leave it. If you choose not to use the Internet to provide your personal contact information you can contact Precept Canada by telephone, fax or mail. The links provided on our site for other websites are created and maintained by other private and /or public entities. Precept Canada provides these links for information and convenience purposes. When you access a link to an outside website, you are leaving Precept Canada and our information management policies no longer apply.
As a company conducting investigations, Precept Canada collects personal information on individuals on a daily basis. We appreciate the need to protect personal information and provide for its safekeeping. Precept Canada and its dedicated employees respect the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and carefully govern all policies pertaining to the collection, usage, disclosure and storage of all personal information. Precept Canada’s Code of Privacy adheres to and complies with the Canadian Standards Association’s Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information and is as follows:
Precept Canada will be responsible for personal information under its control. We have designated an individual to ensure our compliance with the following principles:
Precept Canada will:
1. Educate and train our staff in matters of privacy and PIPEDA compliance.
2. Comply and respond to the Privacy Commissioner in regards to changes and complaints.
3. Allow and make available information at the request of an individual with respect to the collection and storage of their personal information
Precept Canada’s Chief Privacy Officer is Shannon Turriff, Managing Partner. Mr. Turriff
Precept Canada will identify the purpose for which we collect personal information at or before the time of collection. We ensure that all assignments and requests received by our clientele, exclusively complies with PIPEDA. In general, we orally explain to our clients the purposes for which personal information is being collected and place a notation in the clients file to indicate that this has been done.
Precept Canada ensures that all individuals provide consent with respect to the disclosure, collection and use of personal information except where the law provides. We may obtain consent through oral means, or through writing using the appropriate forms and documents.
Information will only be collected without consent for the purposes related to an investigation of a breach of an agreement of a law or other lawful exemption as specified in Section 7 of the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (Statutes of Canada, 2000, Chapter 5).
The information which we collect through investigative avenues will be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes which we have identified. We will not collect information indiscriminately. We will only collect information through fair and lawful channels and procedures. Precept Canada will ensure that our investigators, as well as our clients are familiar with the policies and procedures relating to the limitations on the collection of personal information.
Personal information will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those used for an investigation, except with the consent of the individual or as permitted by law. We will only retain personal information for as long as the investigation wills. Personal information that is no longer needed will be made anonymous.
Precept Canada will ensure that all information that is collected will be as accurate, complete, and up-to date as necessary for the purposes of an investigation. We will guarantee that all information obtained from the client is verified with them accordingly. Moreover, we will strive to verify accuracy of information through third parties, such as motor vehicle, and driving record authorities.
We remain dedicated to safeguarding all personal information under our control in a manner appropriate to the sensitivity of information. Precept Canada will take appropriate physical security measures such as the installation of alarm systems and properly locking all personal information in secure filling cabinets. All archive files shall be stored off site to ensure protection from natural wear such as flood or fire. Precept Canada acknowledges that the disclosure of any information is only conducted on a need-to-know basis. Consequently, we ensure that all investigators are familiar with all policies that pertain to safeguarding.
We are committed to the careful disposal of personal information through appropriate measures. These include:
1. Shredding documentation prior to their disposal
2. Deleting electronically stored information
3. Storing archived information offsite
Precept Canada will allow all information pertaining to its policies and practices regarding the management of personal information to be easily accessible.
Upon request, an individual shall be informed of the existence of, use and disclosure of his or her personal information. Furthermore, the individual will be provided access to this information, and will be given the opportunity to challenge the accuracy of the information accordingly. The individual may also request to have the information corrected and amended.
Lawful exceptions exist with regard to the disclosure of personal information. These include:
1. Personal information regarding an additional person is revealed
2. Commercially confidential information is revealed
3. An individual’s life or security is compromised
4. The information is collected without consent for the purposes related to an investigation of a breach of an agreement of a law or other lawful exemption.
5. The information was generated throughout the course of a formal dispute resolution process
6. The information is protected by a Solicitor
An individual is able to address a challenge concerning compliance with the aforementioned principles to the designated individual or individuals of Precept Canada.